martes, 9 de enero de 2018


Hi everybody!

This entry is about the PAST SIMPLE. As you know, there are two big groups of verbs in English:  REGULAR  and  IRREGULAR.

1)  Click HERE to find some good grammar explanation and activities about the PAST SIMPLE.

2) Activities with REGULAR VERBS:
    1- Activity 1
    2- Activity 2
    3- Watch this video about the pronunciation of the  -ed


 3) Activities with IRREGULAR VERBS:
     1- Activity 1
     2- Activity 2
     3- Activity 3
     4- Activity 4

4) Some more activities
    1- Past simple negative: Activity 1, Activity 2
    2- Past simple interrogative: Activity 1, Activity 2

5) Some more practice:
     Activity 1, Activity 2, Activity 3, Activity 4, Activity 5

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