sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2017

ORAL EXAM (13th - 15th December)

You should start thinking about the "speaking" section of your exam:

Choose ONE of these OPTIONS and be ready to talk for about 3 minutes
1- A BIOGRAPHY:  “About my grandmother/grandfather”  Bring a photograph (in a flash drive)  and draw a timeline about him/her  in a power-point presentation. Then get ready to tell us about this person.

2-About SUMMERHILL: Find information about this unusual school on the Internet and re-read the text on page 11 of your workbook. Be ready to talk about it. How is Summerhill different to your school?

3- The Canterville Ghost: Tell us about the book you have read. You can say something about the author, Oscar Wilde, the characters, the plot, your favourite chapter….

4-ROLE-PLAY: Work in pairs or in a group of three. Choose one of the scenes in The Canterville Ghost , write the script and role play it. 

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