jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2017



These are the graded readers that you have to read for the second term. You need to choose one or the other depending on your level of English:

1) The Magic Pen  by Julie Hart (Burlington 2º ESO)
       Click HERE to find the audio version of the book.
       Find  HERE the activities about the book.

2) Dead Man's Island by John Escott (Oxford Bookworms, Stage 2) Don't forget to do the activities on pages 44-51 of the book

sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2017

ORAL EXAM (13th - 15th December)

You should start thinking about the "speaking" section of your exam:

Choose ONE of these OPTIONS and be ready to talk for about 3 minutes
1- A BIOGRAPHY:  “About my grandmother/grandfather”  Bring a photograph (in a flash drive)  and draw a timeline about him/her  in a power-point presentation. Then get ready to tell us about this person.

2-About SUMMERHILL: Find information about this unusual school on the Internet and re-read the text on page 11 of your workbook. Be ready to talk about it. How is Summerhill different to your school?

3- The Canterville Ghost: Tell us about the book you have read. You can say something about the author, Oscar Wilde, the characters, the plot, your favourite chapter….

4-ROLE-PLAY: Work in pairs or in a group of three. Choose one of the scenes in The Canterville Ghost , write the script and role play it.